Goals are...
Goals must be...
What are your goals?
You may already have your goals set, but are having trouble reaching them. Maybe you have no idea "what you want to be when you grow up", even if you are well into your adult years. Whatever is keeping you from achieving your goals, a coach can help you avoid the common mistakes in setting goals. Take action, doing what you want, not what somebody else wants for you. Realize your dreams through setting and achieving your goals.
You may be familiar with "SMART" goals, but how do you do it? You can't do it all at once, so which goals do you focus on first?
You know YOU best.
Do you normally measure your progress? If you do, do you hold yourself accountable? How do you determine if a goal is relevant? What is a realistic duration to reach a goal?
Only 3 percent (3%)...
...of all people are extremely successful at reaching their goals because they understand how to set good, achievable goals. About thirty percent (30%) of people who set goals are very close to being wildly successful and only need some encouragement to set and reach their goals. Learning the proper way to set goals will dramatically change your life.
Are you within range?
"She helped me bring to fruition a project that for many years had only been a dream. She helped me clearly define and set goals."
...a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn this vision of the future into a reality.
...the process of helping clients to choose where they want to go in life. By knowing what they want to achieve, clients will know where they have to concentrate their efforts. This will quickly spot the distractions that would otherwise lure them from the desired course of action.
Properly set goals can be both motivating and energizing!
| Wellness, Fitness & Business Coach | Vicki@Life-Inventor.com | Terms & Conditions
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